
Currently browsing: lifestyle
  • 10 Tips for Longevity in BJJ

    By: Emily Kwok

    Dear Reader,

    This is not an article for “old people.” This is an article for people who want to feel happy and healthy as they train into old age. I might even be so bold as to suggest that if you are young, ambitious, and live and breathe jiu jitsu, then you should heed […]

  • Dedicated, not Obsessed

    Dedicated, not obsessed.
    By: Joe Hannan

    I see Jiu Jitsu everywhere I go, especially in the movements and play of animals. I think about Jiu Jitsu all day, a constant narrative of if he does this, then I do that, running through my head. Sometimes, I mix it up, and the narrative gets switched to, if I […]